Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Understanding the Different Types of Extreme Sports

different types of extreme sports
Extreme sport is something that spirited people dream of doing. People come up with so many definitions of extreme sports. There is always an ongoing debate on what truly an extreme sport is. Some people may ask about the characteristics of a sporting event that would make it an extreme one. Extreme sports are events or activities that are dangerous and life threatening. In an attempt to categorize the sporting activities belong to the group of extreme sports, there are characteristics that can be used define the different types of extreme sports.


The different types of extreme sports are mostly favored by the youth. Although not exclusive, the youth population is mainly the target of these types of sporting events. It is a very rare occasion that schools or learning institutions allow students to play extreme sports. Beginning or starting extreme sports athletes begin their careers without a coach or a support group.

Another characteristic of these extreme sports is that they do not follow the traditional characteristics of sporting events. This is because these activities have a higher number of essentially uncontrollable variables or possibilities. Unlike traditional sports where the game is almost predictable and it is controllable, these extreme sports are unmanageable and unpredictable. The athletes of extreme sports do not just go against another participant or athlete but the environmental conditions, challenges and obstacles like weather conditions and terrain-related factors.

Examples of extreme sports

BASE jumping

This type of sporting activity is an example of the different types of extreme sports. This involves a parachute or a wing suit when jumping off from fixed object like a rooftop or the top floor of a building. The acronym B.A.S.E stands for Building, Antenna, Span, Earth - these are the points or areas where a base jumper can jump.

Bungee jumping 

In this type of extreme sport, the participant ties an elastic cord or rope around the waist or body and that is when the participant jumps from a mountain, a tall building, or a bridge. After the elastic rope stretches from the jump, it then again recoils causing the jumper to bounce up and down.

Mountain biking

This type of extreme sports involves a rider and a bike specially made to endure the tough usage along rough terrains. The area where the participant goes to bike is mountainous terrains, which are characteristically dotted with steep slopes and declines.

Rock Climbing 

Another exciting extreme sports is rock climbing. The athlete’s goal is to make sure that the one does not fall while climbing a wall of rock while scaling the wall and moving up, down or side-to-side. The participant’s objective is to reach the summit at the fastest time without touching the ground. This type of extreme sports gets extreme when it is done outdoors. This is because the weather conditions make it harder for the participant to grasp another rock and balance their bodies while defying the force of gravity.

What types of extreme sports suit you? People who do these extreme sporting activities must undergo training before they even attempt doing these risky endeavors especially outdoors where weather conditions are very unpredictable. They must be physically fit and mentally prepared to face all the challenges that lie ahead.

Extreme sports are not for the faint hearted and for those who can’t handle pressure. If a person wants to try these sporting events that person must always consult a physician first and when the physician gives a go signal then the next step would be preparation. Extreme sports are not something you just decide on doing when you wake up one morning. Preparation is the key in making your extreme sporting experience an event worth treasuring.

The Advantages of Playing Online Extreme Sports Games

online extreme sports games
Have you ever played an extreme sports game? Extreme sports are an amazing way to go out there and have some fun. Nevertheless, for most people this is more of a dream. This is because there are many things that hinder them from doing so.

One of them is fear. People, as much as they do not want to admit it, are afraid of many things. Most people are afraid of heights or are afraid to feel adrenaline rushing through their bodies. Time is also a hindrance when it comes to extreme sports. Unlike regular sporting activities extreme sports needs preparation and a lot of funding. Most extreme sporting activities are expensive; you can’t just go to a court and play these sports.

These hindrances are the reasons why most people nowadays prefer to play extreme sports games than actually go out and do extreme sporting activities. Playing online games is a lot safer and cheaper for other people. This is why many online gaming sites are using extreme sports ideas as their motivation for their online games. This is so that more people will play their games specially those who want to experience an adrenaline pumping activity without the risks and the costs.

These online games are the same as the other online games. The difference between these games is that these online games are designed to offer the experience of going out and playing extreme sports. They are made with the same idea as the extreme sports.

Who can play extreme sports games?

Anyone who owns a laptop or a computer can play these extreme sporting games online. There is no age limit in playing these games unlike real life games. There is no gender and race discrimination because everything is done on a cyber mode. This means that no one can physically see the other players. Therefore, it is virtually impossible for one player or participant to judge another player because of a physical traits or race. These players judge each other on the way they play and the skills they possess.

Where can these games be played?

Unlike the real extreme sports, these online games can be played anywhere as long as there is an internet connection. This is because these games are done online. Therefore, anyone in any part of the globe can play these games. People who like playing these kinds of games look to online extreme sports as their motivation to “try” things they can’t do otherwise. They can play the game in the comforts of their homes, at school or even at work. This is a great advantage of playing extreme sports games online over real extreme sports.

It’s all about the benefits

What are the benefits of playing these kinds of games? Why not just go out and experience the real thing instead of staying indoors and clicking away on different gaming websites? There are many benefits when you play sporting games online. Here are the reasons why it’s better to play online.

Safety. People do not need to go out and place themselves in very dangerous situations. People can play what they want without worrying about the consequences or taking any safety measures.
Availability. The availability of playing extreme sports is very rare for most people but online games are within everybody’s reach.

Cost. Playing these games online do not entail traveling or going to places, buying gears and extensive practicing for the development of specific skills.

When playing online extreme sports games, it is important to make sure that the sites they are entering are legit or legal websites. Other than that, you can fill your hunger for extreme sports without fear, without the usual risks, without spending big bucks, and without going places or feeling the sores of aching muscles.

Safety Concerns When Doing Extreme Water Sports

extreme water sports
Some people love relaxing on a sunny afternoon on the beach. Drinking ice-cold lemonade and feeling the sunshine down their faces. However, for other people, the beach is their venue for doing water sports. Just as people do extreme sports in land and air there are also many extreme sports that can be done on water. Extreme water sports also have its fair share of adventure, thrill, and excitement. It may not be necessarily a beach; it can be any body of water. A lake, a river or an ocean, as long as there is water you can bet on it that there are daredevils doing some neat tricks you have never seen before.

These extreme sports need a lot of preparation and require a lot of factors to be considered just like the weather conditions. Extreme sports enthusiasts cannot do these events when the weather conditions are unfavorable. For safety and peak performance, these sports need the right humidity, height of the waves or swells, and speed as well as the direction of the air. This is the reason why most water extreme sports is cancelled when there is heavy rain, there is gushing wind, or turbulence caused by typhoon and depressions.

Example of extreme water sports

It is common for people to have adventurous spirits and the desire to try things that seem “unattainable.” This is what propels us to test our own limits when it comes to endurance and stamina in every way and every field possible. A great example would be in sports, as human beings we tend to push ourselves to the extreme because it is through this that we find self worth, fulfillment, and a sense of achievement. Challenge in conquering the impossible is what drives men and women to do these extreme water sports.

Free Diving – this type of extreme sports attracts many divers this is because they try to go deeper under water for long periods of time with just a single breath. This takes stamina and endurance to stay under water for a long duration of time. This is considered the art of holding your breath underwater.

Parasailing – this type of extreme sports is all the rage today. People from all walks of life are starting to try this type of sporting event. This is because this event allows the participant to feel like they are flying. This also does not require much training and physical fitness. This is a water sport where a person is towed behind a boat while being attached to a special type of parachute. The boat drives off with extreme velocity throwing the participant into the air. The participant or the “parascender” has almost completely no control of the height, speed, and direction of the parachute that make the act too risky.

Wild water rafting – from the sound of this water sport you already know that this sport is as wild and crazy as it can get. This is also known as river rafting. This entails the participant to use just a bare raft-like boat to navigate a river or a body of water. These bodies of water usually have strong rapids and strong currents. These bodies of water also have unexpected boulders along the way that the participant must dodge or avoid to keep themselves safe.

When thinking about experiencing these kinds of extreme water sports, make sure that your safety comes first. Think about the factors that might affect the event like weather conditions as well as the equipment that is used. Trust only licensed and well trained professionals when it comes to trying these sporting activities.

Living Life to the Limits with Ultimate Extreme Sports

ultimate extreme sports
Extreme sports get extreme in time and with increasing difficulties. As extreme sports gets more exciting, one type of sporting event can be considered the ultimate extreme sports event. One of these is known as space diving. There are a lot of study conducted on the safety and even the possibility of space diving. Yes! You heard it right diving from space. This is the newest craze that extreme sports athletes want to try.

All about Space Diving

For many years, a lot of scientists and groups of extreme sports enthusiasts have considered the possibility of using space travel as a means of tourism and tourist trade. The mere mention of space travel with the use of space shuttles gets the rich and famous up and about. Most of the people here on earth want to experience life on another planet even for just a day.

Having a goal like this makes scientists all agog in preparing for the event. Researching its possibility is taking much of their thoughts and time. Of course, being under the category of extreme sports, this event is undeniably dangerous and can even cause death. The risk of death is very high because among the 422 people that have gone to space, 22 of them have died. There are organizations today like the Researchers at Space Biomedical Research Institute who are starting to design equipment and machinery that can help in reducing the risks when going out into space to pursue this ultimate extreme sport.

What’s New?

Being considered as the ultimate extreme sports, space diving enthusiasts have already made some trials to assess its possibility. Thirty-one kilometers from the earth, a US Air Force captain named Joe Kittinger attempted on this extreme sport. Captain Kittinger was a veteran of a couple record-breaking parachute jumps. He was wearing a pressure suit that would protect him from the different air pressures as he was going down. Unluckily, the gloved hand of the pressure suit was banged against a strut causing the airtight seal to break. This was very essential during his landing.

Another ultimate extreme sport

Here comes another jump for all the adrenaline junkies out there. This is called B.A.S.E jumping. Many sports enthusiasts are longing this extreme sporting activity to experience. The name of this jump is actually acronyms, which mean B- Building, A- Antenna, S- Span, and E- Earth. These are the four categories or areas that the jump is allowed. This is very popular nowadays because there is no limit to the height of the jump as long as it is under the four categories.

Most of the people who are being hooked on this type of sporting genre are the young people of this generation. A big factor causing these young people to be exposed to this type of sports is the media. There are a lot of channels and networks solely dedicated to the broadcasting of these ultimate extreme sports.

In addition, the list goes on; there are more extreme activities that can be considered as extreme sports. This is because there are no boundaries to what extreme sports can pursue or aim for. The most important thing is that it provides adrenaline and excitement to the participant. Participants must always ensure their safety and the safety of others as well. The geographic setting of these types of sports is endless. There are approximately 500,000 trips made every year exclusively for these kinds of sports. Therefore, to sports enthusiasts and fans alike do not be afraid of trying these extreme sporting events. Go out and experience life but do whatever it takes t minimize the dangers.

How Extreme Sports Sponsors Make Athlete Life Better

extreme sports sponsors
Just like any regular sport extreme sports also has gone pro. Professional extreme sports players are very popular nowadays. They are known for living the thrills of extreme sports and bringing them to the next level by inculcating more tricks and stunts. Competitions are made so that organizations can determine who the best is in that specific extreme sport. This is where extreme sports sponsors come into picture. These sponsors give free stuff and cover a lot of the financial needs of the extreme sports participants to do the sport much better. Here are some of the freebies that the extreme sports sponsors give to the athletes.


There are sponsors provide the appropriate sportswear for the extreme sporting event. Some sponsors who are into the garment business also provide clothes outside the court to promote certain brands. These include shoes, shirts, pants, and anything that can create an image that the sponsors like the athlete to project.


These tools are very important and are needed for the sporting event. These are important for the athletes to play the extreme sport and to stay safe during the conduct of the sport. The quality is critical because it can affect the performance and safety during the game. These include mountain bikes, skateboards and the likes.


These consist of the clothing materials that are used during the sporting event. Most of the time, these products have been researched on to provide comfort and functionality in the related sport. The sportswear is made up of special fabrics and materials that let the athletes perform better. These are specially made to resist pressure, heat, sweat and all those other factors. These are also designed to boost performance. The sponsors provide these and add a little touch by placing their company’s logo on them to serve as advertisement as well.

Hotel accommodations

These sponsors make the lives of these athletes way much better. They provide hotel accommodations for the participant and the entourage or party that is made up of trainers, coaches, etc. This is needed because most competitions of these types of sporting events happen in the different areas around the world. Besides hotel accommodations, they also make sure that the dietary needs are well provided. For extreme sports stars, the sky is the limit when it comes to jet setting and luxurious boards and lodgings. The goal of these sponsors is to use them to banner their brands before the world.


Since the competitions and venues for these extreme sporting events are done in faraway places the sponsors are the ones who pay for the transportation of the participant. They are the ones who make all the planning for the participants. From airplane rides to car rentals, everything is taken care of by the sponsors.

Some may ask why companies sponsor extreme sports participants. The reason why these companies support these participants is because of the monetary gain that their company will get. How you may ask? How can a company earn while spending? This is considered an investment; the companies invest in these participants to carry their name and to promote the products that they sell. Athletes with superstar status get more than just sponsorships; they are also paid as endorsers of the sponsors’ products.

It seems a little bit confusing but the point is that these companies sponsor these participants for exposure, advertisement, and publicity. So for those people who are aspiring to get all these things free, just work hard and do well in whatever sport you are into because you might just get noticed by some big extreme sports sponsors.

Having the Thrills with Winter and Extreme Snow Sports

extreme snow sports
Wintertime is the time that that most extreme sports enthusiasts are looking forward to. Why not; the weather is perfect for these people to take on a different kind of extreme sport challenge. The weather conditions should not be a hindrance for people to have fun. Do not allow the cold winter breeze stop you from experiencing the thrills of winter sports. There are extreme snow sports that people can enjoy. These sporting events are specifically designed and created for people who want to continue doing sporting events despite the cold wind.

There are a lot of extreme snow sports that you can try come winter. Here are some of the most famous and popular snow sports.

Wing Suit Base Jumping

This extreme snow sport is a combination of base jumping and skydiving. Base jumping is an extreme sport that requires the participant to jump off of buildings, antennas, spans or earth. The heights of these altitudes is low in comparison to sky diving wherein a person needs to come from a moving plain and deploy themselves using a parachute. This is considered one of the most dangerous extreme sports ever. Wing suit base jumping is combination of these two incredibly dangerous sporting events. This allows a participant to fly and ski at the same time. This is a perfect sport during winter season for those who are already doing base jumping and sky diving.


For those people who loves skiing and snowboarding, this is the sport for you. Usually when people go out to ski they go on rides called lifts to take them to elevated areas. The elevation allows them to ski farther and faster. The smooth snow surface allows the participants to glide swiftly through the snow-covered terrain. In this case, the participant does not use a lift but instead uses a helicopter to go to those high-elevated places. This is an expensive sport to try because it requires the use of a helicopter, jump from it, and cover the distance back to base by skiing.

Kite Snowboarding

This type of extreme sport cannot be done when it is not winter. There must be a thick snow covering the hills or mountains where people take off to ski or board. Kite snowboarding is a combination of snowboarding and kite flying. Nevertheless, this is not an ordinary sport and not everyone can do it. This entails the athlete or participant to have upper and lower body strength. Upper body strength is needed for controlling the direction of the kite. The lower body strength on the other hand is needed to maneuver the snowboard. This is one extreme and deadly sport because unexpected winds might pull you up into the air.

Ice Climbing

Have you ever heard of rock climbing? This type of extreme sports is like rock climbing, but instead of using rocks to conquer and scale, the participant climbs ice. The climber uses special gear and equipment to get to their final destination, the peak of the ice or ice-covered cliff. This is extreme and dangerous because when ice reacts on impact there is a cracking motion that often leads to the ice falling and crashing. It is very hard for the participant to get a grip on the mountainside because they have to make sure that the ice is hard enough to carry the weight of the participant off to safety.

These sports are proofs that the weather or season can never be a hindrance. Why stay indoors just when winter sets in? There are many reasons to get out, and so much fun winter activities to do and enjoy. You can be active in many ways in order to feel the excitement that extreme snow sports offer. Do not let the cool winter breeze stop you from enjoying life.

Having Fun and Learning Lessons with Extreme Sports Videos

extreme sports videos
Are you an adrenaline junkie? Do you want to experience thrill and excitement like the one you have never felt before? Have you ever seen some extreme sports videos? Well, if that is the case, then extreme sports should be your thing. There is no concrete definition of what an extreme sport is. It is often described as an activity that is associated with a feeling of adrenaline rushing through the participant’s body. Most often than not, extreme sports involves danger resulting to serious injuries or even death. This is the reason why extreme sports are not that popular to people specially kids because of the safety measures that it requires.

These sporting events are usually caught on tape. Extreme sports videos are a big hit when it comes to social networking sites, video streaming sites and other media where these are shared to many people online. Extreme sports videos are taken for many reasons. Here are some of the reasons why extreme sports are documented and recorded on tape.

For my eyes only

The ultimate reason why these extreme sports are documented is so that the participant or the person who is doing the extreme sports can see what the spectators can see. Another reason why the participant needs to see the videos is so that the extreme sports participant can use it as a reference for improvement. From preparation, to take off until the participant’s landing can be covered so that the participant can see what corrections are necessary. The participant can also use it as a compilation of tricks that he or she can do for personal satisfaction and growth. When going pro, the participant can also look back to past sporting activities done so that improvements can be done.

For the general public

Many extreme sports videos are seen online so that extreme sports fanatics can see stunts done by extreme sports professionals. These videos are also used for many reasons like clips for music videos, short movie presentations and the like. It is also used in sporting shops as advertisements. However, mostly it is used to entertain people and influence other people in trying new things like extreme sports.

Epic fail videos

Extreme sports videos can also be about epic failure. These are instances wherein participants make a mistake while doing the sport. Such is a real manifestation of the maxim “pride comes before a fall, but if you must fall then you should be certain that it is caught on tape.” One can never understand why people find joy and laughter in other people’s mistakes. It is described as the dark side of every person, the sinister part of the human mind and the wicked place in our hearts when we laugh instead of being sympathetic for other people’s painful failures. The answer to this is that: “behind every comic scene lies comedy’s best friend and that is pain and suffering.”

There are many reasons why people document and record stunts pulled off by extreme sports participants. Nevertheless, the bottom line is that some extreme sports videos are taken to satisfy different and various human needs – entertainment, thrill, adventure, and more. Whatever needs these may be, extreme sports only shout one thing, do not be afraid of the challenges that come your way. Live your life to the fullest and experience life outdoors. Do not play safe by living a boring, stagnant life. An exciting life is worth living; that is why go out and try something new like sky diving, body boarding, parkour, and cliff diving. Start crossing out extreme sports in your bucket list.

Getting the Thrills by Watching Extreme Sports Channel

extreme sports channel
For most people extreme sports are just a dream that will never be. These are for the people who have the guts to look at death in the eye and get away with it. These are not for the faint hearted. These kinds of sports are not just anybody’s cup of tea; it is not for everyone to do, but it can be fun to watch others go through the challenges. This is the reason why many extreme sports channels have come into existence. Sports fanatics and even those not fond of sports find thrill just watching the fantastic routines and death terrifying acts that these people do. One can have fun just by watching these adrenaline pumping activities in the safety of homes through the boob tube.

Why are extreme sports popular?

Many people wonder why extreme sports is so popular that it has to be featured exclusively in extreme sports channel. Those who have this mentality are people who have little understanding and appreciation of the true meaning of extreme sports.

Extreme sports are also called free sport, action sport, and adventure sport. These are the types of activities that are perceived or that are known for having a high level of risk and danger. These types of activities are often associated with height, speed, high level of physical fitness and stamina and a lot of highly specialized gear. Extreme sports gained its popularity in the 1990’s when marketing companies picked it up to promote the X Games. This humble beginning led to the expansion of what extreme sports is all about. What can be considered as extreme sports can be debatable and uncertain but what is sure is that these games and activities favor many people. Both participants and spectators love these intense activities.

The pioneer

When talking about extreme sports and broadcasting it nationwide there is an extreme sports television channel called The Extreme Sports Channel. This channel is based in Netherlands. It is also available to television subscribers in Europe and in the Middle East. This was founded by a man named Al Gosling in the year 1998 and ever since then this channel has astounded people all over the globe of what true extreme sports is all about. This entire channel is dedicated to showing and catering to the needs of extreme sports enthusiasts.

Its coverage

This channel reaches and broadcasts to over 50 countries worldwide and is translated in as much as 12 language soundtracks. Algeria, Montenegro, and Romania are just some of the countries that are reached by the channel. This channel is offered and can be seen to people who are subscribed to digital cable as well as digital satellite packages from their local service providers. Some cable providers charge an extra amount to get this specific channel but other companies offer this as a part of a package.

Types of extreme sports in it

Extreme sports channel cater to almost every type of extreme sports. Skating, biking and surfing, name it they have it. As long as it excites the extreme sports fanatics and enthusiasts, this channel shows and broadcasts it all over the world. The network assigns a group or a department dedicated to bringing the best out of extreme sports and then it is documented and edited and broadcasted all over the globe.

No matter what other people may call it these activities always has a crowd. Observers and spectators of these tremendous and extreme activities would even go around the world just to be able to view experience and witness these endeavors. This is the reason why networks and channels need to cater to these genres because it has a certain type of following so strong that it already has a demand for it.

Capturing the Action through Extreme Sports Photography

extreme sports photography
Extreme sports are extremely popular these days. Men, women, and the young are getting into these very dangerous yet thrilling activities. This is the reason why a lot of magazines, newspapers, and tabloids are paying a lot of money to get the very rare shots of these participants while in action. Extreme sports photography is indeed in nowadays.

Extreme sports photography is very difficult for most photographers because they have to go through a serious training to get great photos. They have to go places and learn about the sports to know what actions make great photos. Some photographers even do the stunts themselves while following the participants to get the so-called money shots.

Extreme sports photography is a neat way of showing the capabilities and difficulties that an extreme sports athlete goes through. They say that a picture is worth a thousand words that is why most people are into these types of extreme photography. There are many reasons why this kind of photography is in demand nowadays. Here are some reasons why.

Advertisements and Commercials

This is the bread and butter of extreme sports and its photography. People use the photos to indulge or motivate other people to try the sport or buy things and products of specific brands. Companies use these types of photographs to advertise their products in the hope that people will patronize their goods or products.

This can also be used by tourist destinations to attract foreign visitors and tourists to their place. These are the areas where the extreme sports are held. These photos can be promote and push for the growth of tourism in that location.

These photos can also be used for television or print advertisements. Advertising agencies can use these photos to cater to their extreme sports clients. This can be placed in sports columns in newspapers or sports sections in magazines.

Stock Photography

In addition, another trending business is sweeping the industry off its feet. This is called stock photography. Stock photography is a business endeavor wherein a photographer takes as much photos of different settings and stocks them all up for other websites to buy or rent. This is very much in demand because this can save advertising companies and their clients huge bucks. They just need to choose from the variety of photos that are available in the website of the stock photographer. This can buy the copyright of the photos so that no other company or group can use that specific photo or just opt for some non-exclusive use.

Stock photography also has photo rentals. Since buying the copyright of a photo is somehow expensive, stock photographers thought of a way to sell their photos for a short period of time. This is called photo rentals. They can rent the photo for a span of time, this means that they own the photo but it also has its own expiration date.

Building Portfolio and Collectibles

These photos are also used in the compilation of the participant’s portfolio. These are great ways for the participant to have a memorabilia of the great stunts that was made during that sporting event. Not only is this used for the purpose of the participant but also for those who are collectors or fans of these specific kinds of sporting events. These collectibles are a great way to show their appreciation for the sport they like.

Photography is an art. Therefore, it takes years of practice and study to be able to be called a skilled professional photographer. Extreme sports photography takes more to be able to take that million dollar shot. Nevertheless, isn’t it worth it?

Beating the Odds of the Best Extreme Sports

best extreme sports
For hyperactive and gutsy people, sports means going for the extreme. Many kinds of sports entail too much unnerving, death-defying, and action-packed stunts, which of this is the best extreme sports for you? Choosing from a broad array of options and alternatives that are all exciting and adrenaline pumping is naturally a hard thing to do. If you are among those people who find pleasure and immense satisfaction in defying gravity and the word “safety” here are some of the extreme sports that you may want to check out.

Which of these do you think will suit your lifestyle?


This type of sport is considered one of the best extreme sports because of the danger that it offers. Nevertheless, to most skateboarders, they just see this type of activity as an art, a means of transportation and a way of exercise. Most skateboarders are not adrenaline junkies but rather people having one common hobby. The tricks and jumps that these boarders do are very dangerous that may cause serious injuries. This is a modern sport to some people, but it actually is not. It started back in the 1950’s in California. This was previously called sidewalk surfing because it seems like the boarder was surfing on the sidewalks or on the streets. As of today, a boarder holds a record of the highest jump ever made which is 79 feet.

Sky Diving

This is also called parachuting. Trained professionals normally do this because this is a very dangerous stunt. This entails a participant to ride an air vessel and jump from it. The participant uses a parachute and dives from the plane, jet, or helicopter. This is called sky diving because it seems like the participant or the “diver” is diving from a platform towards a body of water. Regular folks do not usually do this because this type of extreme sport is expensive.

White Water Rafting

This is sometimes confused as a very dangerous sport instead of a thrilling leisure activity. Many people are scared of doing sport because this is considered a very deadly sport. When trying this sporting event, the participants must make sure that the operators of the raft are skilled and highly qualified. In the past, it is known for some rivers to swallow up the entire expeditions because of the very strong current. This is called white water rafting because the bubbles and the fuzzes that the water makes due to the strong current makes water white.

Free running and Parkour

This is one of the best extreme sports out there because the participant must have the skill, agility, flexibility, and strength. This type of sport uses urban structures, streets, and buildings as obstacle courses for the athletes. These runners are able to summersault, bend, jump and vault over anything in their path. These two extreme sports might be connected to one another, but they are not completely the same. Free running entails the runner to get from one point to the other as stylish as possible. Parkour runners, however, do the courses as fast as they can.

There are other extreme sports, and the list continues to grow. As long as there are people who are willing to try these death-defying acts, then the sports will live on. The most important thing in choosing which sport is best for you is by researching about the sport. If you have enough knowledge as to what the sport requires from its participant, then you can determine whether you can comply with the demands and challenges it offers or if you would rather pass up the chance because you understand how much of a risk extreme sports can be.